Special Advice for Young and Beginning Farmers
If farming is your passion – if it is what you’ve always dreamed of doing – don’t be hesitant or scared to pursue it because of the ever-changing climate of the agricultural industry.
Our advice: Farm on and don’t resist the changes.
Many young, beginning farmers have experienced success because they have been adaptive in the face of industry changes by re-purposing their land, discovering ways to produce crops with greater efficiency, taking advantage of technological advancements, using new chemicals and equipment, and promoting brand awareness through optimized web presence and social media channels.
What’s more, many young growers are taking the agritainment angle approach. In the current agricultural business atmosphere, it’s becoming increasingly important to avoid putting all of your eggs in one basket. Diversification and out-of-the-box thinking are critical.
Small agricultural operations, in particular, are discovering innovative ways to get their names out there – some going as far as to encourage farm visitors. For example, vegetable farmer Brent Barnhart, owner of Country Creek Produce Farm in Chambersburg, PA, has realized success by taking the agritainment angle approach. He launched a pick-your-own-pumpkin event, created a corn maze event, and debuted a “pumpkin chucker” contest on his vegetable farm to increase the farm’s business.
Facebook has become a powerful social engine in the promotion of these unique agritainment endeavors and other farm-related happenings and pictures, along with information regarding the crop a farm is selling. Creation of a website is also a powerful tool to increase online presence and relevancy.
New farmers are doing whatever it takes to get people more involved in their farming operation and to increase awareness. Radio advertising, press releases, newspaper features and blog features, are amongst other modes farms have used to increase business outreach.
If you are a young, beginning farmer striving to get your ag operation up and running, contact AgAmerica Lending. Farm loans are critical for new farming operations. We encourage you to contact us for more information regarding our farmland financing for new and beginning farmers.