As interest rates fluctuate, landowners are seeking flexible lenders. 

Two-third of operators expect interest rates to go up over the course of the next year. But even as rates climb, investors agree that timberland is one of the most resilient investments because of its predictable and consistent rate of return. Finding a balance between prohibitive down payments and long-term investments can be hard when working with a rigid lender. As rates continue to climb, it’s more important than ever to find a lender that offers flexibility and aggressive rates. 

The Challenge 

The Alabama-based forester was interested in buying 830 acres of timber and recreational land in Mississippi, but needed to secure funding quickly before the opportunity slipped away. In addition, the forester was seeking a flexible lender who could help them find a solution for the costly down payment and rising interest rates. 

The Solution 

AgAmerica worked with the forester to create a custom loan solution. In lieu of a down payment, the forester secured the loan with additional collateral—pastureland located in Alabama. AgAmerica worked to fund the loan in less than 45 days through AgAmerica’s Accelerate Loan Program. This expedited the land loan approval process with minimal paperwork and allowed the landowner to make an offer quickly to acquire new acreage.  

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