Virginia Farmer Lowers Payments and Increases Liquidity with $2.3MM Loan
Learn how this farm family worked with AgAmerica to lower their payments.
We understand the importance of transparent communication and flexible solutions during the lending process. See how this borrower strengthened the financial health of his operation with a custom financing package.
The Challenge
A Southeast farmer had worked on his family’s cattle operation since 1998. His family is instrumental in the operation as they help in day-to-day operations. After experiencing communication issues with his former lender, the borrower turned to AgAmerica to refinance his debt to both lower his payments and get a better client experience.
The Solution
By taking the time to understand what the client needed to sustain his family’s operation, AgAmerica developed a two-part loan package with a $1.6MM 30-year term loan and $675K revolving line of credit. Through this refinance, the client’s payments were lowered, and he was able to increase his working capital to mitigate the risk of rising input costs and fund ongoing operations.