Ag Tech: Increasing Efficiency with Apps and Farm Technology
Discover how ag apps are the farm technology you already have in your back pocket.
Farm technology has always driven the advancement of agriculture; in today’s world that means agriculture apps that can be downloaded to a cell phone or tablet for easy access in the field. In a recent article by AgAmerica in Farm Flavor, we explored how farming and agriculture apps can improve your ag operation.
Farm Technology Working Smarter
There are numerous ag apps available both for Android and iOS platforms, many of them developed by university agriculture departments. This special bit of farm technology, that can be downloaded for free or a small fee, can be used across multiple sectors of any ag operation.
We identified the different areas of your agribusiness where agriculture apps could be put to good use, and then listed just a few of the top farming apps that are available. Some ag apps may fit into more than one category.
Weather. These ag apps offer hyper-local weather forecasts and conditions like soil moisture and humidity to give farmers accurate information to guide irrigation and other weather-dependent tasks.
- Dark Sky. Offers hyper-local forecasts, and the start and stop times of local rain.
Application. These agriculture apps instruct on the correct calibration of equipment and the best ratios for mixing fertilizers and other inputs that will be applied to crops.
- Calibrate My Sprayer.Allows farmers to calculate the calibration and mixing of spraying equipment.
- Mix My Sprayer.Lets growers compile a list of favorite chemicals and calculates how much to put into their tanks, based on desired rate and their sprayer’s
Planting/Harvesting. These apps track the details of tilling, planting, and harvesting to help farmers optimize plant growth for bigger and better yields.
- Agrivi. Allows growers to plan, monitor and analyze farm activities.
Irrigation. These irrigation-specific apps offer water times and amounts for particular crops based on variables like the crop’s growth stage and the weather.
- SmartIrrigation. Developed by the University of Florida, this app helps you know how much water to apply during irrigation of specific crops.
Machinery. These agriculture apps keep the details of farm equipment at your fingertips, like serial numbers and purchase dates, and they can alert you to needed maintenance like oil and air filter changes.
- Tractor Pal. Helps operators keep track of machinery maintenance.
- AgriSync. Lets farmers connect with advisors in real-time to solve issues like equipment problems or pest damage.
As the nation’s premier ag lender, we are always on the lookout for farm technology that improves farmers’ and ranchers’ abilities to succeed. If you’d like to discuss other ways we can help you strengthen your agribusiness with our custom loan packages, contact us today to speak with a team member.