Two Alternative Energy-Efficient Systems to Supply Water for Farm Operations
If your farm or agricultural operation is located far from access to electrical utilities, there are two highly efficient, affordable alternatives to supply your remote location with water: solar and wind-powered water pumps.
Not only do these systems protect streams, pond banks, and other natural water habitats from livestock, but they also provide farmers with an inexpensive water source. It’s a win-win.
The designs are affordable and have the ability to pull enough water from a well, lake, creek, or river to supply hundreds of livestock or support a small irrigation system.
When choosing a water supply system that’s right for your operation, many factors come into play.
In its Solar-Wind Water Pumping Energy Self Assessment, the USDA Natural Conservation Resource Center lists the following considerations:
- How deep is it to the groundwater level?
- How much water is needed?
- Will I be providing water only during the summer while animals are on pasture (when animals are very thirsty) or during the winter?
- What is the total depth of the well?
- What is the inside casing diameter and what casing material was used?
- What is the water source? Is it a well, spring, pond, stream, etc.?
- How much water is available from the source in gallons per minute (what is the water flow rate)?
- How far does the water need to be pumped, what size pipe, and with what elevation gain?
- Are there any water quality problems that may damage the pump, such as silt or high mineral content?
- How much volume is available in my storage tanks and how are the tanks arranged?
- Will the water be used for: household, livestock, irrigation?
- What pump type do I want?” (
Oftentimes, ag financing is needed to support the purchase and installation of a solar-wind water pumping system. If you’ve determined that this type of water supply system will optimize your farm and business, our ag lending team can help. AgAmerica covers ag loans across America, supporting a wide range of farm projects. Contact us and one of our ag loan experts will be in touch to start the process!